The right kid of school for your child can make all the difference in their academic success. It’s a good thing that in each location, there are numerous schools to choose from. The bad part of it, is the quandary of a parent to choose the best among the lot best suited for the children. It is very important to know what to look for to ensure your child receives the education tailored for his/her need. It can be the school next door or one located somewhere farther but it will be comforting to know that you made an effort to discover which of these is the best.
It’s important you consider these 10 factors when choosing the institution best poised to provide the education specific to your child’s needs.
These options are faith based schools, private schools and public schools. If your topmost priority in your child’s education is religion, then you have to concentrate on finding a school in the faith based category. Private school schools tilt religion taught to the level of the owner and as such might not suit everybody. Public schools teach most religions practiced in the country and are the best options for those who are tightly on a budget when it comes to their child’s education. It will be important to note that faith based and private schools come in pricey while providing a wild range of activities and support unlike the public schools that are tuition free and are limited in activities.


What school will suit your financial capacity. Much as there are a lot of school, the education of yours child is a long term financial commitment which means the decision should be taken based on your current finances. Ask yourself what you can sincerely afford without owing school fees. Its not about anyone now. Cut your coat to the material you can afford.


To find a good learning environment, there are some set criteria to consider which are:
-What are the subjects and activities offered in the school? Do they suit your interest?
-What is your child’s learning style or noticed challenges?

At this point, you need to write them down for reference when you get to the school. If you need help with older learners, ask an educator that has worked with your child previously for suggestions.

  • Social interaction. Much as some may not agree, you might be interested in the people that
    go to a school and who your child might be interacting with while there.
  • Timing: Is there opening and closing hours suitable for your routine? How will the school schedule affect you?

  • While some schools focus more on academic competitions and excellence, others focus on extra curricular activities. Are you in a school that celebrates arts, languages, Mathematics, music, etc. What does the school downplay and what do they focus on. How does this affect your child’s academic career and interest?
    Most school do standardized tests. Check records that exist to know what the school previous test records are. The success rate of past students helps form a great opinion as to their success rate in any field. The internet is a good resource to find things. Just use the school name as keyword. The success rate of students is important to note how well a school is performing academically at academic levels. Success rates in competitions also show how good they are in extracurricular activities.
    At this point, you are getting ready to make a decision on a school. Prepare questions to ask the principal and whoever you might meet . Some questions I culled from the internet might include:
    What type of curriculum does your school run?
    How are teachers trained, supported and monitored?
    How much homework is given?
    How are behavioral problems handled at school?
    The answers to these questions will help you decide if the school is what you want
    While school staff might be prepped to give palatable answers to inquiry questions, find a way to interview parents and students on their experience with the school. Find out if they are happy with the quality of education offered at the school and their level of involvement in school affairs. Neighbors’ of the school might also offer information about the school.
    Much as you have noted what you want to see, make a list of The characteristics of a good school
    so you can look out for them.
    Visit the schools that appear as a good fit. Make an appointment to know the best time to visit so you will have opportunity to inspect the corners of the school that you are interested in. Your visit should include:
    -An interview with the principal
    -Inspection of the school classrooms, health facilities, dorm rooms, toilets (yes!) and other facilities.
    No matter what you have heard or seen, trust your feelings and judgment on what’s best for your child. Trust your instinct on how you and your child feel about the staff and school. Your feelings might be geared towards positive information gathered from your research. At other time, it might just be a good vibe.
    However you feel, the importance of research before registering your child in a school cannot be over rated because that is the key to their pursuit of an academic career.
    We really hope these tips will help you through the process of finding the school best suited for your child. We wish you the best result in your find and hope you can share the schools discovered in the comment section

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